Chocolate Tahini Cookies with Chaga

LOOV Chaga Tahini Cookie Recipe

Choco Chaga Tahini Cookies

The richness of tahini and chocolate matches perfectly with almost bitter notes of chaga. A winner combo for having a treat AND getting nutrients. Our wild-crafted organic Chaga is handpicked during cold autumn and winter when it has the highest nutritional value.

  • ¾ cup (200 g) tahini
  • ¼ cup (50 g) of date syrup
  • ½ cup (100 g) maple syrup
  • 1 cup (125 g) oat flour
  • 2 tbsp cacao powder
  • 2 tbsp LOOV Organic Chaga powder
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • Pinch of salt
  • Sesame seeds to garnish
1. Preheat the oven to 356 F (180 C) and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

2. Combine all wet ingredients (tahini, date syrup, maple syrup) in a large mixing bowl and set aside.

3. Combine all dry ingredients (oat flour, cacao, chaga powder, baking powder, salt) in a small mixing bowl.

4. Add the dry ingredient blend to the large mixing bowl with the wet ingredient mixture, and combine.

5. Roll dough into small balls with your hands and flatten on a baking sheet and garnish with sesame seeds.

6. Bake for 8 minutes and remove from oven.

7. Serve and enjoy!