Everybody has probably reflected at some point on the food they consume and how healthy it is. While not quite satisfied with the nutritional value of the food they eat, people still keep to old eating habits, giving as a reason a lack of competence, knowledge, time, etc.
So where do you begin if you want to adopt a healthy diet and make the transition from eating regular food to eating organic and healthy foods?

Our freeze-dried blueberries are ideal crunchy, healthy, minimally processed tasty snack for the whole family.
The maintaining of a healthy and joyous body and life is connected with the following keywords:
- Motivation to change your quality of life and diet.
- Awareness of the profound impact food and lifestyle have on our health and quality of life.
- Knowledge of what constitutes a healthy diet, which foods to prefer and avoid, when and how much to eat, what kind of vitamins and minerals the body needs, and which food products contain them. For most regular processed foods there is always organic, healthy alternatives.
- Clear instructions on where to start and how to actually change your diet step by step so that the transition is not too difficult or complicated.
- Recipes for healthy and easy-to-prepare foods to expand your everyday menu.
The changes that are required to adopt healthy eating habits do not take place overnight. The transition should be undertaken simply, deliberately, and steadily. Instead of ridding your diet at once of all “bad food products” and ultra processed foods, you might begin by very gradually incorporating healthy food products into your meals.
That also means cutting some products out of your daily diet, for example, junk food, any type of fast food, sugary beverages, and sugary cereals.
Organically grown foods have more nutrients—vitamins, minerals, enzymes, and micronutrients—than commercially grown foods.
Without added sugar, free from genetically modified organisms or additives, organic foods are the perfect choice for a healthy diet.
Fully considering the downside of modern food and the danger it poses to our health, you can start with the everyday choices you make in shops.
- Pay close attention to the product information on the packaging and think about whether you and your family need mass-produced ultra processed foods made from raw ingredients of unknown origin, grown under unknown conditions, and combined with different food additives, or you should begin to look for organic product alternatives whose purity and healthiness have been guaranteed by organic certificates.
- Show an interest in the producer of the product. Nowadays it is very simple – you can use the internet, get in touch with producers at markets and fairs, etc. If you have more information about the producer of your food products, you gain confidence and the knowledge that you care about the health of you and your family when eating healthy foods. In addition, you also show that you value the sustainability of the efforts of our local producers.
- Start by replacing individual food groups, for example, sugar. You can substitute white refined sugar with organic sweeteners like (raw) cane sugar, honey, maple syrup etc. These sweeteners have a much milder impact on the body. Ordinary sweets and pastries can also be substituted with alternatives. You can eat fresh or dried berries, fruits and vegetables or combine them to make true delicacies according to your favorite recipes.
Plan your meals in advance. A good trick for starting eating healthy is by keeping a track of what you consume on a daily basis. Home meal prep is a fantastic way how you get to include all the necessary nutrients into your daily diet. Fast food and store-bought meals often contain hidden artificial sweeteners and saturated fat. With home meal prep you can easily prepare your meals with healthy components like whole grains, brown rice, fatty fish, olive oil, fresh fruits, and whole grain bread. A well-thought-out eating plan makes it easier to break bad eating patterns and make better food choices.
Our organic freeze-dried lingonberry powder is a perfect way to easily add nutritious wild lingonberries to your diet. Find your favorite recipe in our recipe corner!

- You can start making the same kind of healthy substitutions when it comes to flour products and fats.
- If you make informed choices when buying fruits and vegetables, meat, and milk, then these products will acquire a new meaning in your diet.
- Think about how you can add more vitamins or different essential nutrients to your everyday food. There are a number of ways you could do that.
- Healthy eating plan helps you to maintain a nutritious diet with healthy meals that boosts your overall health. Remember, your food plays a big part in your health and helps with many problems like certain heart conditions, mental health, and weight loss.
- You can easily control your sugar cravings with your food intake by adding particular plant-derived foods to your diets, like fresh vegetables or berries. So drop that diet soda or any other sugar sweetened beverages and reach for some delicious healthy snacks!

A healthy diet, and especially Wild Lingonberries Promote Endothelial Function and Heart Health
As you move steadily towards a healthier diet, you are sure to realize that eating healthily every day has an influence on your mind, concentration, mood, and motivation and even on your personality – thus playing an important role in the well-being of both yourself and your family. But do not forget physical activity and training when changing your diet. Both of them are vital to your health. It is clear that your life will only get better if you feel good in your body and are healthy.

Berries have many health benefits. For example, wild blueberries are not only a healthy snack, but they are also good for eyesight improvement.