Coconut Milk Chia Pudding with Sea Buckthorn Mousse

LOOV Sea buckthorn powder chia pudding breakfast recipe

Coconut Milk Chia Pudding with Sea Buckthorn Mousse

Coconut milk chia pudding with sea buckthorn mousse is a healthy alternative to processed desserts. Chia seeds make wonderful desserts and are high in omega-3s. Sea Buckthorn is a super berry, rich in various vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and omega fatty acids.

  • 2 tbsp chia seeds
  • 1/2 cup ( 200 ml) unsweetened plant milk (Vanilla Coconut or Almond)
  • 1 tsp LOOV Organic Sea Buckthorn Powder
  • 1 can of full-fat coconut cream
  • 1 tbsp agave or maple syrup
  • 1/4 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/2 tsp agar powder

1. In a medium bowl, combine milk and chia seeds.

2. Make sure there are no clumps.

3. Cover and refrigerate overnight. (Note: you need to refrigerate the coconut milk can overnight as well).

4. In the morning, stir the pudding and pour it into a bowl.

5. For the mousse, open the refrigerated coconut milk can and scoop the thick part into a bowl.

6. Discard the watery part.

7. Whisk in the sea buckthorn powder, vanilla, and agave (or maple) syrup.

8. Mix until it forms a mousse-like texture.

9. Top the pudding with the sea buckthorn mousse. 
