Bliss Balls with Aronia Berry

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Bliss balls with Aronia Berry 

The sweetness of bliss balls are a perfect combo with the tartness of aronia berries. Did you know, that aronia berries have a strong, mouth-drying effect. Avoid it by adding nutrient-dense freeze dried organic aronia berry powder to your food and drink to make the most of this powerful berry.

1. Place all the ingredients into a food processor and blend until a dough begins to form.

2. If needed, add a little bit of water to moisture the mixture to make it a bit sticky.

3. Roll tablespoonfuls of the mixture into snack-sized balls.

4. Place the balls on the tray that is covered with baking paper.

5. Pour the crushed peanuts and/or berry powder onto a plate and roll the balls in it to coat.

6. Refrigerate for 30 minutes.
