Bio Wildheidelbeersaft 6er Pack

Derzeitiger Preis: €89,00 Original Preis:
Absolut köstlicher, gesunder und biologischer Blaubeersaft! Er kann in Shakes, Joghurts, Müslis und vielen Desserts und Gerichten verwendet werden.
— Jay
  • Unser Saft wird aus 100 % biologischen, wilden nordischen Blaubeeren hergestellt, die in unberührten Wäldern Finnlands handgepflückt werden, um höchste Qualität und gesundheitlichen Nutzen zu gewährleisten.
  • Genießen Sie den reinen, unverfälschten Geschmack wilder Blaubeeren mit unserem kaltgepressten Saft, nie aus Konzentrat.
  • Erleben Sie die natürliche Süße wilder Blaubeeren ohne Zuckerzusatz. Nippen Sie daran, mischen Sie es, genießen Sie es. Unser Wildblaubeersaft verfeinert Smoothies, Cocktails, Mocktails, Desserts, Marinaden oder genießen Sie ihn einfach als erfrischendes Getränk.
  • Automatisch nach Ihrem Zeitplan geliefert
  • Sparen Sie jedes Mal 10 %
  • Jederzeit ändern oder stornieren
  • Nordic Origin
  • No Sugar Added
  • 100% Money Back Guarantee

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Gefriergetrocknetes Bio-Schwarze-Johannisbeer-Pulver

Gefriergetrocknetes Bio-Schwarze-Johannisbeer-Pulver

Original Preis: Derzeitiger Preis: €20,95
  • Erleben Sie die pure Essenz der Natur mit unserem Bio-Wildheidelbeersaft, hergestellt aus Heidelbeeren, die in den unberührten nordischen Wäldern geerntet wurden. Dieser kaltgepresste Saft wird ausschließlich aus frischen, wilden Heidelbeeren hergestellt und ist niemals aus Konzentrat. Ohne Zuckerzusatz fängt er den wahren, kräftigen Geschmack und die ernährungsphysiologischen Vorteile dieser Superbeeren ein. Jeder Schluck ist reich an Antioxidantien, Vitaminen und natürlichen Inhaltsstoffen und ist damit die perfekte Ergänzung für Ihren gesunden Lebensstil. Steigern Sie Ihr Wohlbefinden mit den reinen, unverfälschten Vorteilen unseres Bio-Wildheidelbeersafts, einem wahren Geschenk aus der unberührten nordischen Wildnis.

  • 100 % Bio-Wildheidelbeersaft aus ganzen Beeren aus zertifizierten Bio-Wäldern in Estland und/oder Finnland

  • Genießen Sie ihn, mixen Sie ihn, kosten Sie ihn aus. Unser Bio-Wildheidelbeersaft verfeinert Smoothies, Cocktails, Mocktails, Desserts, Marinaden oder kann pur als erfrischendes Getränk genossen werden.

Experience the LOOV difference

We keep the ingredients as pure as nature makes them.

  • Always 100% Organic & Non-GMO
  • Cruelty-Free and Plant-Based
  • No Sugar Added
  • 100% Money Back Guarantee
  • Lab Tested
  • Nutritionist Approved
LOOV freeze dried blueberries in a basket

Benefits of Wild Blueberries

Contains Vital Nutrients

  • Vitamin E
  • Calcium
  • Iron
  • Manganese
  • Potassium
  • Vitamin C
  • Fibre
  • Vitamin A

How it benefits your health

  • Supports a healthy gut
  • Strengthens immune response
  • Supports eye health
  • Reduces irritation and swelling in the body
  • Promotes cardiovascular well-being
  • Fights oxidative stress
  • Helps manage glucose levels
  • Aids in natural heavy metal detox processes

Häufig gestellte Fragen

Are your Nordic wild blueberries tested for radiation?

Yes. We're sourcing our Nordic wild blueberries from organic certified forests in Sweden, Finland and Estonia where the levels of radioactivity have not been an issue ever since we started this business.

We also do perform regular radioactivity (and other food safety and contamination) analysis which are done by an independent 3rd party laboratory. The results have always proven well within all safety limits. It is our priority to be able to offer a 100% safe, pure and nutritious product.

If the blueberries stain your mouth, how long does this last?

Wild blueberries do stain because of their higher natural anthocyanin content, but this wears off in a short time. Eating or drinking any non-staining foods during that time will speed up the process even more.

How much water should I add to the juice? How should it be diluted with water?

100% berry juices have a naturally strong taste, in some cases similar to a juice concentrate, so you may prefer to dilute the juices with water and add some sweetener, like honey or stevia. How much water to add, is totally a matter of personal preferences. Some people like to drink leaner, and some people like to drink stronger juices and tastes. Berry juices are also perfect for adding to refreshing cocktails. They taste delicious with sparkling mineral water, kombucha or some fruit juice. They also make excellent tea when you add hot water.

The density and taste of the berry juices is different in different bottles. Why?

We understand this question very well because we have seen ourselves too that sometimes our juice is more liquid and sometimes it is denser. This is the sign of the natural juice. We do not use the concentrate to make our berry juices. When using the concentrate, it is possible to keep the juice the same all the time. We press the juice out of the fresh organic berries and the berries may be different in every batch and season. It depends where exactly the berries have grown, it also depends very much on the weather, how much it has been raining etc. So, when using fresh organic berries for making the juice and not adding anything, it is very difficult to keep the juice exactly the same all the time. It is natural that sometimes the juice is a little lighter or more liquid and sometimes it is denser. In the bottle there is just natural 100% berry juice, no concentrate used, no enzymes used, no water or sugar added.

How long will the juice keep in unopened bottle at room temp?

Before opening, you can keep the bottle at room temperature until the best before date marked on the bottle. After opening refrigerate the juice and consume it within 21 days.

Is the juice flash pasteurized and cold-pressed?

The juice is cold pressed and flash pasteurization is used (the juice is kept at 70-80° C for 12-15 seconds, not boiled). There is no concentrate used. It is 100% pure juice pressed directly from the berries, no water or sugar added.

Is "wild blueberry" same as "bilberry"?

Yes, in our blueberry products we use Vaccinium Myrtillus, the European / Nordic wild blueberry, that is also called bilberry. You will find many interesting articles on the subject of different types of blueberries from our blog.

How many blueberries are used to make a bottle of juice?

A 500 ml bottle of organic wild blueberry juice is made from 645 g (approximately 1.422 lbs) of fresh wild blueberries. The organic bilberry juice is cold-pressed directly from fresh organic wild bilberries and then lightly pasteurized. No concentrate is used!
