Bio Sanddorn Pulver

Derzeitiger Preis: €22,95 Original Preis:
Endlich ist eine der heilsamsten Beeren das ganze Jahr über erhältlich! Ich konnte nicht glauben, dass sie genauso schmeckt, als ob man sie frisch vom Strauch gepflückt hätte!
— Maria G.
  • Hergestellt aus 100 % Bio-Pulver aus ganzen, reifen Sanddornbeeren ( Hippophaë rhamnoides ) aus zertifizierten Bio-Anbaugebieten in europäischen Gärten.
  • Durch die Lufttrocknung bleibt das gesamte Nährstoffprofil des Sanddorns erhalten, der reich an Vitaminen, Mineralien und Antioxidantien ist, und sorgt so für eine bessere Gesundheit.
  • Ohne Zuckerzusatz, ohne Zusatzstoffe, Füllstoffe, Konservierungsmittel, Bindemittel oder sonstige synthetische Zutaten.
  • Automatisch nach Ihrem Zeitplan geliefert
  • Sparen Sie jedes Mal 10 %
  • Jederzeit ändern oder stornieren
  • 100% Money Back Guarantee
  • Free Shipping on Orders over $89
  • Nutritionist Approved

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Gefriergetrocknetes Bio-Schwarze-Johannisbeer-Pulver

Gefriergetrocknetes Bio-Schwarze-Johannisbeer-Pulver

Original Preis: Derzeitiger Preis: €20,95
  • Steigern Sie Ihr Wohlbefinden mit unserem Bio-Sanddornpulver, das aus 100 % Bio-Sanddornbeeren hergestellt wird. Dieses Pulver ist reich an Vitaminen, Mineralien und Antioxidantien und eine natürliche und unverfälschte Nährstoffquelle ohne Zusatzstoffe oder GVO. Durch den Lufttrocknungsprozess bleibt das gesamte Nährwertprofil des Sanddorns erhalten, was eine verbesserte gesundheitliche Wirkung gewährleistet. Integrieren Sie dieses vielseitige Pulver nahtlos in Ihren Alltag, indem Sie es Smoothies, Joghurt oder verschiedenen Rezepten hinzufügen, um Ihre allgemeine Gesundheit ganz bequem zu verbessern. Tauchen Sie ein in die Güte des Sanddorns, der sorgfältig verarbeitet wird, um Ihr Ernährungserlebnis zu verbessern.

  • 100% luftgetrocknetes Bio Sanddornpulver

    PS: Ihr Paket enthält jetzt einen Sauerstoffabsorber, der dabei hilft, die Premiumqualität zu erhalten und die Haltbarkeit zu verlängern. Auch wenn er nicht schädlich ist, entfernen Sie bitte das Absorberpaket nach dem Öffnen. Nicht essen!

  • Täglich 1-2 EL zu Smoothies, Joghurt, Haferbrei, Müsli usw. hinzufügen. Zum Backen oder für andereRezepte.

Experience the LOOV difference

We keep the ingredients as pure as nature makes them.

  • Always 100% Organic & Non-GMO
  • Cruelty-Free and Plant-Based
  • No Sugar Added
  • 100% Money Back Guarantee
  • Lab Tested
  • Nutritionist Approved

Benefits of Sea buckthorn

Contains Vital Nutrients

Contains Vital Nutrients

  • Omega 3-6-7-9
  • Vitamins E & K
  • Vitamin C
  • Fibre
  • Iron
  • Magnesium
  • Calcium
  • Zinc

How it benefits your health

  • Maintains cardiovascular health
  • Helps with glucose management disorders
  • Supports cancer therapy
  • Improves skin health
  • Helps blood circulation and reduces signs of aging
  • Improves cardiovascular system
  • Boosts immune system
  • Supports liver health

Häufig gestellte Fragen

How many grams of fresh sea buckthorn berries equals 1 tbsp of powder?

Onetablespoon of powderweighsroughly 7,7 grams. Ittakes 45 grams of fresh sea buckthornberriestoproduce 1 tbsp of air-driedpowder. 

Why is the sea buckthorn air-dried instead of freeze-dried (like your other berry products)?

The reason for that is that sea buckthorn berry, naturally, contains a lot of the essential omega fatty acids. We have previously tried producing the freeze-dried powder but due to the fatty acid content the freeze-dried version of the product went rancid extremely fast and hardend up in clumps so the powder texture was not maintained at all and the product did not maintain fresh.

Since we don't use any additives and we process the powder from the entire berry (including the seeds and skins) to preserve the full spectrum of benefits, air-drying method has been proven a much better way for delivering the powder.

Sea buckthorn is a tricky berry in this sense and mostly producers who do freeze-dried powders either exclude the seeds and don't use the whole berry for making the powder, or prefer air-drying instead. So we have stuck to the second best option which is air-drying.

Is this powder made from the whole berry or from previously juiced berries?

Our berry powders are all made of the entire berry, including their pulp, seeds and peels.

What is the shelf life of this powder?

All our products come with 2 years shelf-life from the day of packaging to their best before date. An opened product should be consumed within 60 days after opening to enjoy the most of their nutritional value.

Is the packaging BPA free?

Yes, all the materials used for our packaging are 100% MOSH, MOAH, Bisphenol A, B and Phthalates FREE.

Are the berries washed?

All our raw berries are sourced from organically certified, clean, growing areas. The berries we use in our freeze-dried products are rinsed with water, primarily this is to remove the possible leaves and other organic bits and the impurity and might have ended up there. There are no chemicals used in washing them.

Is the powder lab-tested for heavy metals, radiation, harmful substances, contamination?

Yes, it is. All our products are subject to regular lab-testing to be able to guarantee a pure product and to comply with food safety.

Does the powder contain allergens, such as dairy, gluten, corn, or nuts?

No, none of our products contain, or come into contact with dairy, gluten, corn, or nuts. They are produced in a controlled environment so there is no risk of cross-contamination.

Why are there clumps in the powder?

We are committed to keeping our product 100% natural which is why it is normal that some clumping of the powder might occur due to the absence of anti-caking agent. This is caused by the natural composition and qualities of different berries, such as their sugar content and acidity.  The clumps will not affect the quality or the benefits of the product and by molding the package with your fingers they are easily broken back into powder form. 
