
Derzeitiger Preis: €124,95 Original Preis:
Mit Abstand das beste Pulver auf dem Markt!
— Susanne M.
  • Dieses Detox-Paket umfasst: 3 x 250 g Blaubeerpulver, das für eine längere Entgiftungsphase sorgt und so bessere Ergebnisse und Vorteile ermöglicht … oder Ihnen einfach dabei hilft, Ihren Blaubeervorrat aufzustocken!
  • Enthält handverlesene wilde nordische Blaubeeren aus zertifizierten Bio-Wäldern in Europa.
  • Ohne Zuckerzusatz, ohne Zusatzstoffe, Füllstoffe, Konservierungsmittel, Bindemittel oder synthetische Inhaltsstoffe
  • Automatisch nach Ihrem Zeitplan geliefert
  • Sparen Sie jedes Mal 10 %
  • Jederzeit ändern oder stornieren
  • Nutritionist Approved
  • 100% Money Back Guarantee
  • Free Shipping on Orders over $89

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Gefriergetrocknetes Bio-Schwarze-Johannisbeer-Pulver

Gefriergetrocknetes Bio-Schwarze-Johannisbeer-Pulver

Original Preis: Derzeitiger Preis: €21,95
  • Unser Detox-Paket enthält drei 250-g-Packungen Wildheidelbeerpulver, jede voller Antioxidantien und wichtiger Nährstoffe. Der Kauf eines Pakets stellt nicht nur eine konstante Versorgung für Ihre Detox-Routine sicher, sondern spart auch Kosten im Vergleich zum Einzelkauf. Wildheidelbeeren, bekannt für ihre entgiftenden Eigenschaften, enthalten Antioxidantien, die bei der Bekämpfung von oxidativem Stress helfen und natürliche Entgiftungsprozesse unterstützen können. Dieses praktische Paket bietet eine geschmackvolle und praktische Möglichkeit, das allgemeine Wohlbefinden zu steigern.

  • 100 % Bio-Wildheidelbeerpulver.

    PS: Ihr Paket enthält jetzt einen Sauerstoffabsorber, der dabei hilft, die Premiumqualität zu erhalten und die Haltbarkeit zu verlängern. Auch wenn er nicht schädlich ist, entfernen Sie bitte das Absorberpaket nach dem Öffnen. Nicht essen!

  • Täglich 1-2 EL zu Smoothies, Joghurt, Haferbrei, Müsli usw. hinzufügen. Ideal für Schwermetall-Entgiftungs-Smoothies. Zum Backen oder für andereRezepte.

Experience the LOOV difference

We keep the ingredients as pure as nature makes them.

  • Always 100% Organic & Non-GMO
  • Cruelty-Free and Plant-Based
  • No Sugar Added
  • 100% Money Back Guarantee
  • Lab Tested
  • Nutritionist Approved
LOOV freeze dried blueberries in a basket

Benefits of Wild Blueberries

Contains Vital Nutrients

  • Vitamin E
  • Calcium
  • Iron
  • Manganese
  • Potassium
  • Vitamin C
  • Fibre
  • Vitamin A

How it benefits your health

  • Supports a healthy gut
  • Strengthens immune response
  • Supports eye health
  • Reduces irritation and swelling in the body
  • Promotes cardiovascular well-being
  • Fights oxidative stress
  • Helps manage glucose levels
  • Aids in natural heavy metal detox processes

Häufig gestellte Fragen

What is freeze-drying?

Freeze-drying is considered the most successful method for food preservation, preserving about 97% of a food’s original nutritional value. It is considered more profitable nutrition-wise than buying imported fresh fruit from the store because freeze dried fruits are harvested in the time they are at the top of their ripeness level and packed with good nutrition. They are immediately frozen, which keeps in all the goodness of the fresh food!

Will this dissolve in water?

The powder does mix with water but please note it would not completely dissolve in it. The powders are all made from whole berries, including their seeds and peels which are built of fiber and fiber doesn’t dissolve in water. 

What is the shelf life of this product?

All our products come with 2 years shelf-life from the day of packaging to their best before date. An opened product should be consumed within 60 days after opening to enjoy the most of their nutritional value.

Does the powder contain allergens, such as dairy, gluten, corn, or nuts?

No, none of our products contain, or come into contact with dairy, gluten, corn, or nuts. They are produced in a controlled environment so there is no risk of cross-contamination.

Is the powder lab-tested for heavy metals, radiation, harmful substances, contamination?

Yes, it is. All our products are subject to regular lab-testing to be able to guarantee a pure product and to comply with food safety.

Are your Nordic wild blueberries tested for radiation?

Yes. We're sourcing our Nordic wild blueberries from organic certified forests in Sweden, Finland and Estonia where the levels of radioactivity have not been an issue ever since we started this business.

We also do perform regular radioactivity (and other food safety and contamination) analysis which are done by an independent 3rd party laboratory. The results have always proven well within all safety limits. It is our priority to be able to offer a 100% safe, pure and nutritious product.

If the blueberries stain your mouth, how long does this last?

Wild blueberries do stain because of their higher natural anthocyanin content, but this wears off in a short time. Eating or drinking any non-staining foods during that time will speed up the process even more.

How many grams of fresh blueberries equals 1 tbsp of powder?

One tablespoon of wild blueberry powder weighs roughly 6 grams. The fruit concentration in case of blueberry is 1:8, meaning it takes 48 grams of fresh wild blueberries to produce 1 tbsp of blueberry powder.

Is "wild blueberry" same as "bilberry"?

Yes, in our blueberry products we use Vaccinium Myrtillus, the European / Nordic wild blueberry, that is also called bilberry. You will find many interesting articles on the subject of different types of blueberries from our blog.

Is this powder made from the whole berry or from previously juiced berries?

Our berry powders are all made of the entire berry, including their pulp, seeds and peels.

Is the product heat stable during shipping?

Yes, it is. Our product package is designed and developed in special isolating layers for keeping the product from any such damage.
